The AFRICA HIGH NET WORTH INDIVIDUALS DATABASE is a perfect starting point for real estate developers, property agents and those looking to establish direct contacts with potential investors in Africa. The directory lists high net worth individuals in Africa, potential investors in Africa, buyers of property in Africa as well as rich individuals with a history of buying super luxury goods.
The AFRICA HIGH NET WORTH INDIVIDUALS DATABASE is a must for those enterprises that are looking for affluent and rich investors in the lucrative markets of Africa - one of the fastest growing markets for all kinds of consumer and capital goods. The directory has a comprehesive listing of affluent individuals in Africa, CEOs, business tycoons as well as wealthy executives and politcal figures in Africa.
There is a great demand for luxury goods, overseas properties and exclusive high-end products among this super affluent class in the African continent. You can reach this exclusive affluent class and reach your target audience in African countries.
This Directory contains the latest and complete information about your potential high-end clients in over 20 countries across Africa. As one of the pioneers B2B portal since 1996, we have compiled this database using our experience and expertise that spans over the past three decades.
This Directory is essentially
produced for property developers, property agents, selers of luxury goods and services looking to establish
contacts with their potential affluent high net worth individuals and investors in Africa.
Directory is a must for enterprises looking
for affluent, wealthy individuals and investors in the booming and lucrative markets of Africa.
Business sectors included in High net worth Individuals Directory:
Product Details
US $1350
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* Numbers vary frequently due to regular updates and the final number of entries on the directories may differ and despite best efforts some duplicate entries may exist. This product is NOT A COMPLETE LIST of HNWI of this region (country or area).
NOTE: Download sizes are estimated and actual sizes may vary. Download link will be sent via email as soon as payment is made through credit card. No refunds on products once sold.